Mending Walls

Black Lives Matter (Voices of Perseverance)

Hamilton Glass, Ed Trask, Jason Ford Season 1 Episode 11

Artist Ed Trask and Jason Ford talk with Host Hamilton Glass about their "new monument" honoring the citizens of the past, present and future who fight for racial equality in America.


The public art created for Mending Walls addresses where we are now in society to inspire conversation about how we can move forward with empathy through understanding and collaboration.  

Join the conversation!  Virtual community gatherings, hosted in partnership with the Drums No Guns Foundation and the Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond, have been scheduled. Register NOW!


Resources for this episode: (barrier breakers in their mural)

More information:


  • @edtrask
  • @nosajauthentics
  •  @mendingwallsrva
  •  @19red.fuel
